¨ La mítica firma de accesorios española fun&basics ha recogido el testigo de la tendencia más aplastante y democrática del planeta para plasmar, a su manera y en varios modelos, labios rojos, ángeles, cupidos, serpientes no venenosas y cocodrilos inofensivos. Todas, con un fondo de terciopelo y aun precio de 59 euros.¨
Yo Dona: "The slippers are undoubtedly the new sensation this winter"
¨ The legendary Spanish accessories brand fun & basics has picked up the baton of the most crushing and democratic trend in the world to capture, in their own way and in several models, red lips, angels, cupids, non-venomous snakes and crocodiles harmless. All with a velvet background and even price of 59 euros. ¨
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